Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hello everyone! Here are a few of my original pieces going for very little money this weekend at the Karilon Gallery in Provincetown during the Angela Russo Fine Art Sale. I have many other things available, i.e: prints I signed upside down! People love these for some reason), etc. If you want any one of these pieces shown-call and reserve it (first come, first served). I will send you a Paypal request for payment via your e-mail. The only one I won't ship is the 30x40 print under glass-it has to be picked up! Everything else can be shipped via Fedex, or you can pick it up in Provincetown on the weekend, or Boston during the week.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Imagekind Promotes Artist Images!!
I have been a member of the imagekind community so that my photographs can be readily available at very reasonable prices. These are printed in 8 color which is a fine, high quality process. I license these images to be printed by them on limited finishes and sizes. I also print my own work on two state of the art printers that are 12 color up to 60" in width. There is a tremendous difference in the quality of the final print, but in the smaller sizes that imagekind offers most people would not see much of a difference. If you are interested in my work, I would be happy to answer any questions about materials, sizes and printer type needed and used.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Photograph of the week!
On my fan page "Angela Russo Fine Art Photography", I have posted a new photograph of the week of one of my favorite places in the world: Provincetown, MA. The postings have been well received and show my diverse range of work. I print my images on 4 different pigment printers up to 60" in width, all of which are 12 color. That is CMYK and RGB all in one printer! Very many other companies try to duplicate the quality of this with inaccurate, or enhanced color output. Twelve color affords me the luxury of producing superior black and white, and also incredible color images with no "manufactured color" as in the principles of HDR printing. In that printing process the addition of green and orange supposedly take the place of natural tonality, particularly in skin tone rendition which I do not think is true. I think there is a definite "blue" or "cold" surreal cast, and a somewhat unnatural tonality attributed to this rather enhanced and odd combination of colors. It reminds me of the latest trend toward 3-D. It is interesting to view, but the glasses are somewhat uncomfortable. In reference to HDR: it is interesting to view, but the color is somewhat surreal, however the dynamic range is different. At the end of the day, it is personal preference that takes over, but I am a stickler for accuracy when it is expected.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Glassware & Reflective Backgrounds

One of the toughest things to shoot is glassware on a reflective white background! Not only is glassware itself perplexing and impossible to light, but then you are adding in the reflective qualities of a white plexi background which multiplies the problems. I think I have got it nailed this time. Each time there is a different problem that you can encounter. The shape of the subject is also a consideration to factor in. The color of the ceiling and the ambient light in the room are factored in....etc. Problematic, It is all controlled by just looking and common sense. I'll write more in the future about this. Please write if you have any opinions or questions. I would love to hear from you.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Portraits and Fantaastic Last Minute Nudes!!

I have always loved photographing people, and have done this kind of photography for over 35 years. I started when I was in my teens and continued on as an assistant in my 20's and throughout my shooting life. I love shooting in the studio because of the lighting control that affords me, but I especially enjoy shooting on location. The element of surprise, and the spontaneous possibilities of what happen to be available at the location are always something that are an integral part of my creative process. Making use of what is already there is so important and keeps the image organic and fresh. A prime example of this are the portraits I shot of two sisters on location for a publication captured on Cape Cod.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I also love Mid 2oth Century Cars!!

I can't help it, I am a freak for cars born between 1950-1960! I have shot 1000's of them in my lifetime. I also love making some of the images into large canvas or transparency art. The typical size is 44" x 72" and lit from behind. An image like this has quite an impact. They especially look great in a large loft setting, or in a space with a high ceiling. I have also made small canvas ones from 6" x 6" and up. They are like pop art when presented in a sequence.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Imagekind for affordable prints and framing

I am putting the lnk up for my images on Imagekind. They make very affordable framed prints. Here is the link:
If you want handmade work then contact me and I will make them on my 12 color press. If there is an image that you like and a special size you want just send me a message via this blog! I will be happy to make you any size you want up to 60" in width x 72" in length!!
digital photographer,
Reflective on white

One of the hardest things to shoot is a clear or reflective surface like glass or ice. My friends at Brookline Ice & Coal in Brookline, MA. needed a few shots of an ice bowl that they manufacture for parties and events. They freeze objects in them, and sometimes the objects even light up! Then the bowls are used as an ice bucket, punch bowl or for h'or dourves on ice. They are beautiful, but very hard to shoot. Photographing them on white is even more impossible, but to create dimension and contrast white is the only answer. Black would absorb all the light. These were shot very quickly. They were packaged in dry ice, and had a very short window of opportunity for getting a good shot without condensation or melting taking over the set. They were pleased with the outcome.
Monday, January 25, 2010
More images!

I am uploading some other interior images for you to look at. As you can see, these are in various locations, and done with very different lighting concerns. The impact of an image is really all about the lighting. Some of these are purely digital capture, and some are high resolution scans from film. It would be hard to tell the difference with today's quality imaging equipment. I use mostly Canon Pro digital imaging PRINTERS AND CAMERAS. I also us Epson large format printers for certain kinds of printing that I do. If you have an interest in photography and design as well as architecture, then this type of photography is for you. Multiple types of lighting are certainly the most complicated part of the capture process. In some of these images you have halogen lighting, incandesent , and available daylight. These are all different color temperatures and can make for uneven or inaccurate color rendition. Color correction is always a big part of the process. It also helps to create an ambiance or atmosphere so that when someone is viewing them, they can get a sense of what the room "feels" like. This can make or break a good shot, and if done correctly can mean success for the client.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
More images from the other side
I have decided to post some more of my interior shots for you to see. Typically these are done with combined light sources and shot now with a 21 megapixel Canon camera. This way of capturing an image is a far cry from the problems that were inherent with large format 4" x 5" transparency film. I think that one of the best things about this new way of photographing an interior is the ease of color correction. It is so much faster to elect areas of concern, but you still have to have that great technical backround, or you just don't get a good image. I also often manually focus all my shots even though the cameras of today are supposed to be "auto focus". I have come across many instances where this "average" focus does not correctly apply, even though I use pre-focus and select areas. Upon further checking the critical focus has been off! I tend to trust my own vision. Incidentally,I have had all my equipment bench tested by Canon and it is in perfect condition! Well, enough techie stuff for now...take a look.
Later I will post some other images from my archives.
Later I will post some other images from my archives.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Photographs from the other side: the Interiors

I have been busy delving into the fine art side of photography for some 24 years. I have been a photographer for over 35 years with a major focus on people, products and interiors. I thought that some of you would like not only to see what I am working on, but possibly where I have been in terms of my photography over the years. As an Ad Photographer I have had to wear many hats. Problem solving as far as lighting and angle of view were a couple of things one might encounter along the way in a shoot. Before the "digital" era, the other issue most often was format or film size. More often, in my end of it, the film most often used was large format. That was 4" x 5" inches in size. It was utilized in a large camera with the image viewed upside down and backwards. You can easily see where my unusual outlook came from! In any event, I have posted some images for you to see what my interiors look like. In the days to come, I will also post other various examples of my more professional work for you to see. I am often asked if I can shoot interiors, food, or product, because what I mostly show now is landscape. I have decided this would be a great venue for all of you to see what exactly it is that I can do in regards to photographing in all these various styles and types. please , if you have any questions feel free to write to me or post a comment here or on my facebook page:
advertising photography,
cape cod,
fine art,
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