Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Outer Cape Cod: photographs of provincetown, truro and welfleet

I have just released my new Fine Art Photography Book entitled: Outer Cape Cod: photographs of provincetown, truro and wellfleet published this month! Here is the announcement on FaceBook: Angela is posting her NEW BOOK!! It's a book release and you're invited--check out my new book at: Please take a look!
I have been a photographer for over 30 years in the Greater Boston Area. My concentration was on People, Places and Things, translated this actually means Fashion, Interiors and Product Photography with an emphasis on lighting. I spent a great deal of time on the lighting of my subjects, and always made it a point to find something in the photography sessions for myself; a personal touch, a special viewpoint. In 1997 I went back to school full time to study Digital Imaging in capture, printing and various implementations of Adobe Software. I learned proper printing procedures, and donated my time to a service bureau where the actual printing was produced. At that time I also assisted professional photographers new to this medium. The actual learning really began in earnest when I started to print my own personal work in large format. Tomorrow I will make another entry to explain what my personal process was like.

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Oh yeah, and don't miss: