I have decided to post some more of my interior shots for you to see. Typically these are done with combined light sources and shot now with a 21 megapixel Canon camera. This way of capturing an image is a far cry from the problems that were inherent with large format 4" x 5" transparency film. I think that one of the best things about this new way of photographing an interior is the ease of color correction. It is so much faster to elect areas of concern, but you still have to have that great technical backround, or you just don't get a good image. I also often manually focus all my shots even though the cameras of today are supposed to be "auto focus". I have come across many instances where this "average" focus does not correctly apply, even though I use pre-focus and select areas. Upon further checking the critical focus has been off! I tend to trust my own vision. Incidentally,I have had all my equipment bench tested by Canon and it is in perfect condition! Well, enough techie stuff for now...take a look.
Later I will post some other images from my archives.
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