I have been busy delving into the fine art side of photography for some 24 years. I have been a photographer for over 35 years with a major focus on people, products and interiors. I thought that some of you would like not only to see what I am working on, but possibly where I have been in terms of my photography over the years. As an Ad Photographer I have had to wear many hats. Problem solving as far as lighting and angle of view were a couple of things one might encounter along the way in a shoot. Before the "digital" era, the other issue most often was format or film size. More often, in my end of it, the film most often used was large format. That was 4" x 5" inches in size. It was utilized in a large camera with the image viewed upside down and backwards. You can easily see where my unusual outlook came from! In any event, I have posted some images for you to see what my interiors look like. In the days to come, I will also post other various examples of my more professional work for you to see. I am often asked if I can shoot interiors, food, or product, because what I mostly show now is landscape. I have decided this would be a great venue for all of you to see what exactly it is that I can do in regards to photographing in all these various styles and types. please , if you have any questions feel free to write to me or post a comment here or on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Angela-Russo-Fine-Art-Photography/67546304273?ref=mf